♥ Reviews Policy

Hello dear designer and thank you so so so much for your interest!
Please take a minute to read my review policy in order to decide whether sending me your copies or not (*^-^*)

✿ I find it totally impossible to publish in my blog all copies are sent to me. This does not mean that I do not like what has not been published. This is due to lack of time and a large amount of items received.

✿ I do not post items that I wouldn’t wear for my personal use. I just do not know how to combine garments that are not my style, sorry for that.

✿ Please click HERE to learn how you can contact me.

✿ Sometimes I don’t show the SLurl of some items because they are not official reviews. If this happens, you can leave a comment and I will provide you the information you need. Normally I only add the SLurl of new releases. This is because I use a lot of items in each outfit.

✿ My blog is NOT an obligation: it is a devotion. It’s my hobby, my main fun in Second Life. So please, if you do not agree with what you just read, do NOT send me anything. You do not have the obligation to send me anything: if you do it, is because you want (๑・‿・๑)

Finally, I want to thank all the designers who give me their support, as well as those who show interest in my blog.

I Love you all (◕‿◕✿)

anne Dakun